
ILAC Student Event App



Timeline: 2 months
Tools: Figma, InVision, Miro
Role: Product Designer
Scope: UX design, UI design


Design Challenge

As a designer at a language school in charge of all events collaterals, I had the chance to notice all the problem spaces of students joining events. The challenge is to design an app that streamlines the process and iterates the experience for students and staff.


My process

My process.jpg


Hypothesis/ problem space
The current way of printing paper materials such as calendars, posters, and tickets for events requires the students to make an effort to acquire event information, buy tickets at specific locations, and bear the risk of forgetting or losing their paper tickets. There is also a higher staff cost from selling tickets in person. An app digitizing such work will help students have event information in hand anytime, register for events with less effort, reduce the risk of losing or forgetting tickets, and integrate the time and place information into their personal devices.

I asked 10 students the below questions.

  • Have you ever lost your ticket for an event? 2 out of 10 said yes.

  • Have you ever forgotten to register for an event at school and only remembered after you left? 3 out of 10 said yes.

  • Have you ever forgotten to register for an event although you wanted to? 3 out of 10 said yes.

  • Do you wish to have all the information on your personal digital device? 9 out of 10 said yes.

  • Do you wish to have a reminder for you to register for events? 5 out of 10 said yes.

Define & Ideate

I created a persona that will help me make better design decisions that will satisfy the user's needs.


User Journey
To uncover areas of opportunities I decided to create an as-is user journey map. It helped me visualize the steps the students are taking in order to accomplish a goal. During the process, I analyzed each step and marked down the pain points.


User needs to functions

  • Event information - An ILAC events app will be the one unified place for all event information that is accessible to students on their phones anytime, anywhere.

  • Online purchase - Tickets will be purchased through the app. One can purchase tickets anytime, anywhere.

  • Digital ticket - Tickets will be in QR code format. There are no worries about tearing a paper ticket.

  • Reminder - One can set a reminder for an event.

  • Link to map - Link event addresses directly to Google map.

  • Link to Calendar - Link event date directly to Google Calendar.


Information Architecture
I wrote down all types of information and functions that should be included in the app and sorted them in the architecture that makes the most sense.


User flow
A user flow was then created to understand how a user would navigate through the structure of the app.



Initial Sketches



Low-fi wireframe.jpg

UI kit
UI kit is developed and coheres to ILAC’s existing branding system.

UI kit.jpg

Hi-Fidelity Mockups


Test & Iterate

Usability test
After designing the high-fidelity screens, I completed user testing with 5 participants who fit the target demographic.

  • 5 out of 5 users could sign up successfully

  • 5 out of 5 users could sign in successfully

  • 5 out of 5 users could browse Sports Events successfully

  • 5 out of 5 users could book & pay for Pizza Party successfully

  • 5 out of 5 users could save Welcome Party to my list successfully

  • 5 out of 5 users could set a reminder for Happy Hour successfully

  • 5 out of 5 users could get ticket out for Pizza Party successfully

The testers were able to complete the tasks successfully. However, they also provided me more valuable suggestions:

  • Would like to have a search bar - added search bar

  • Would like a way to contact staff directly - added messenger

  • Instead of “book”, use the word “reserve” - “book” tend to make people feel they have to pay although many events are for free.




Onboarding & Browsing
Users can browse the events by tapping on the horizontal tabs with various events categories. They can also use the search bar to search for the events.


Event Detail
Users can read event details such as time, location, and description. They can also save it to a list to browse later, or set a reminder of the event. The primary CTA takes the users to reserve a spot for the event.


Events Manager
Users can use the Events Manager to manage the booked and saved events. They can also find the tickets to the events from here.